Home » The Berkeley Pit water level was surveyed by Common Sense Engineering and Surveying on April 1, 2015 and was at an elevation of 5,322.82 feet. April 14, 2014 The Berkeley Pit water level was surveyed by Common Sense Engineering and Surveying on April 1, 2015 and was at an elevation of 5,322.82 feet. The Berkeley Pit water level was surveyed by Common Sense Engineering and Surveying on May4, 2015 and was at an elevation of 5,323.33 feet.
March 31, 2015 at 9:38 pm David says: Hello. I am interested in this article and/or report but the two links above are broken. Is there a report? Thanks!
May 4, 2015 at 2:54 pm Frank Ponikvar says: Hi David. Thanks for the Update on the link. I’m in the process of making it work. Believe it or not it worked when I posted it. Frank
Hello. I am interested in this article and/or report but the two links above are broken. Is there a report? Thanks!
Hi David. Thanks for the Update on the link. I’m in the process of making it work. Believe it or not it worked when I posted it. Frank