When walking your furry friend, always pick up waste. Harmful bacteria from pet waste washes to our streams along with increased nitrate, which results in less oxygen for our fish.
Only dispose of RV waste at properly designated dump stations that safely store the waste. Never empty RV waste into storm drains, which empty untreated into our local streams. Report illegal dumping at (406) 497-6200.
Bag and collect all yard clippings or compost them appropriately. Yard clippings can clog storm drains and the excess nutrients they contain can impact the health of our streams.
Never pour anything down storm drains, which empty into our streams. Instead of dumping, take your waste to the local landfill. Report illegal dumping at (406) 497-6200.
Use a local car wash (which is already equipped to deal with stormwater) or wash cars on your lawn to keep potentially harmful chemicals from washing into our storm drains.
Research risks of chemicals that you apply to your lawn to learn about potential. Avoid applying chemicals before rain to reduce the amount of chemicals that runoff your lawn.