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Item | Description | Author |
Drummond: Ranch Life in the West | This book is a documentary of people–individuals, couples, families–who work and live on the American western landscape. In striking black and white images and plain spoken quotes (including personal and community anecdotes) Drummond presents a true depiction of rural life at the end of the twentieth century along the Clark Fork River. Author/photographer Jill Brody interviewed Drummond ranchers about their everyday lives. What emerges is a story about a changing way of life, a difference in priorities, and a real struggle to survive all with a grace of acceptance. | Jill Brody (2004) |
PitWatch | Published periodically by the Berkeley Pit Public Education Committee for the purpose of educating Butte residents, students and visitors about the Berkeley Pit and related issues. The content is largely driven by community interest in specific topics. Also available online at | Berkeley Pit Public Education Committee (published annually) |
The River We Carry With Us: Two centuries of writing from the Clark Fork basin | Compiled by the Clark Fork Coalition in 2001, this anthology includes essays from of Montana’s finest writers, as well as historic sources about the Clark Fork River. For more information, visit the Clark Fork Coalition website. | Edited by Tracy Stone-Manning and Emily Miller (2002) |