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Item | Description | Author |
Eurasian Watermilfoil: An Aggressive, Non-Native Water Weed (Brochure) | An introduction to an invasive species of concern in Montana. | Western Montana Combined Agency Task Force |
A Guide to Historic Missoula | This guidebook forcuses on the history and architecture of Montana towns. Based on State Historic Preservation Office records, the guide provides a window to the past, pointing readers to the buildings, historic sties, and parks that act as momuments to Missoula’s history. Detailed maps, historic photos, and lively prose help bring Missoula’s history and architecture alive. For more information, visit the Montana Historical Society website. | Allen James Mathews (2002) |
Mayflies: An Angler’s Study of Trout Water Ephemeroptera | This big book on such a very narrowly defined subject provides a vast amount of information on a single order of insect: Ephemeroptera, the mayflies. It is written for the novice and expert fly fishers who wish to understand the fundamentals of mayfly entomology and how to effectively fish mayfly species inhabiting the trout waters of North America. There are chapters on the mayfly’s life cycle, detailed sections on many common species, and instructions for the fly tier. Drawings, photos, charts, and graphs, enhance the considerable descriptive and scientific text. This is an exhaustive study that should provide serious anglers and entomologists with useful and fascinating information for those difficult hours spent off the water. | Malcolm Knopp and Robert Cormier (1997) |
Montana’s Noxious Weeds | A field guide to identifying the most prevalent invasive noxious weeds in Montana. | Monica Pokorny & Jane Mangold, MSU Extension |
Pocket Naturalist Guide: Animal Tracks | The Pocket Naturalist series offers easy-to-use, colorful field guides on a wide variety of topics. | Waterford Press (2002) |
Pocket Naturalist Guide: Birds of Prey | The Pocket Naturalist series offers easy-to-use, colorful field guides on a wide variety of topics. | Waterford Press (2002) |
Pocket Naturalist Guide: Bugs & Slugs | The Pocket Naturalist series offers easy-to-use, colorful field guides on a wide variety of topics. | Waterford Press (2002) |
Pocket Naturalist Guide: Freshwater Fishes | The Pocket Naturalist series offers easy-to-use, colorful field guides on a wide variety of topics. | Waterford Press (2002) |
Pocket Naturalist Guide: Invasive Weeds of North America | The Pocket Naturalist series offers easy-to-use, colorful field guides on a wide variety of topics. | Waterford Press (2002) |
Pocket Naturalist Guide: Montana Butterflies & Moths | The Pocket Naturalist series offers easy-to-use, colorful field guides on a wide variety of topics. | Waterford Press (2002) |
Pocket Naturalist Guide: Pond Life | The Pocket Naturalist series offers easy-to-use, colorful field guides on a wide variety of topics. | Waterford Press (2002) |
Pocket Naturalist Guide: Reptiles & Amphibians | The Pocket Naturalist series offers easy-to-use, colorful field guides on a wide variety of topics. | Waterford Press (2002) |
Pocket Naturalist Guide: Roadside Wildflowers | The Pocket Naturalist series offers easy-to-use, colorful field guides on a wide variety of topics. | Waterford Press (2002) |
Pocket Naturalist Guide: Saltwater Fishes | The Pocket Naturalist series offers easy-to-use, colorful field guides on a wide variety of topics. | Waterford Press (2002) |
Pocket Naturalist Guide: Trees | The Pocket Naturalist series offers easy-to-use, colorful field guides on a wide variety of topics. | Waterford Press (2002) |
Pocket Naturalist Guide: Weather | The Pocket Naturalist series offers easy-to-use, colorful field guides on a wide variety of topics. | Waterford Press (2002) |
Pocket Tutor Guide: Wilderness Survival | The Pocket Naturalist series offers easy-to-use, colorful field guides on a wide variety of topics. | Waterford Press (2002) |
Roadside Geology of Montana | Montana’s geologic history includes a long succession of disturbances that changed the rocks, then changed many of them again. Unraveling these events reveals a geologically quiet continent that got scrambled in a long and grinding collision with the Pacific crustal plate. Through detailed geologic maps and lively text, Roadside Geology of Montana deciphers the complicated rock record and uncovers each layer of Big Sky Country. | David Alt and Donald W. Hyndman (2003) |
Zero Spread: Identifying Montana’s Greatest Weed Threats | An basic pamphlet on how to identify the major invasive noxious weeds of Montana. | NRCS, Montana Agriculture |