A 1-year, job-embedded professional development opportunity geared toward creating environmental stewardship in your community and at least $500 for your classroom!
Project Information
When: June 21-24, 2021
Where: Montana Tech
Who: 5th – 12th Grade Teachers in superfund affected communities or near superfund affected communities (such as Anaconda, Basin, Billings, Black Eagle, Bozeman, Butte, Columbus, East Helena, Helena, Libby, Livingston, Missoula, Monarch, Neihart, Somers, Superior)
OPI Renewal Units, CE Option
Project Details
The Clark Fork Watershed Education Program is excited to offer an opportunity for teachers to collaborate with environmental scientists and educators. You’ll learn best practices for engaging students in authentic research and community outreach within the nation’s largest superfund complex.
In this program you will create a community outreach project tailored to the needs of your own superfund affected community. You’ll learn the CFWEP model of place-based science education and effective environmental communication. You’ll also learning grant writing skills and ways to uniquely engage your students in authentic scientific research related to environmental issues.
After the initial academy, you’ll participate in a faciliated online OPI hub course (eligible for graduate level CE credits). During this course, you will be mentored in creating a community event that facilitates environmental stewardship and literacy. You’ll also get the opportunity to apply for a grant worth at least $500 for your classroom.