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- Blackfoot Challenge The Blackfoot Challenge is a landowner-based group that coordinates management of the Blackfoot River, its tributaries, and adjacent lands.
- Center for Invasive Plant Management The Center for Invasive Plant Management is a regionally focused Center based at Montana State University.
- Center for Riverine Science (University of Montana) An interdisciplinary research group advancing our knowledge of natural stream function and developing methods and procedures to mitigate impacted stream systems.
- Citizens Technical Environmental Committee (CTEC) Butte Based in Butte, CTEC provides technical comments and public outreach on the Superfund process for Silver Bow Creek and other sites.
- Clark Fork Coalition The Clark Fork Coalition is dedicated to protecting and restoring the Clark Fork River basin, which stretches from Butte, Montana to Sandpoint, Idaho.
- Clark Fork River Comeback This short YouTube video from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks discusses the ongoing retoration of the Clark Fork and related FWP research.
- Clark Fork River Technical Assistance Committee (CFRTAC) CFRTAC is a diverse group of Western Montanans who have volunteered to work with the EPA, the responsible parties, and others to try to make the Superfund process and cleanup options understandable for all.
- Clark Fork Symposium An online and ongoing conference on science and policy aimed at the conservation, preservation and restoration of the Clark Fork Basin.
- Clark Fork Watershed Superfund Documentation by Todd Trigsted An artist’s perspective on Superfund activities in and around Butte, Montana.
- Coming Together for Clean Water Discussion Forum from EPA The complex challenges facing our nation’s waters cannot be solved by a small group of people in one day. That’s why EPA established this discussion forum–to open up the conference’s guiding questions to a wider audience, one with varied and valuable idea
- Cool Water Hula Blogspot In 2000, a group of people decided to help heal Butte’s Berkeley Pit by dancing a Cool Water Hula beside it. Hula is often used in healing. A cool water hula was also danced for Milltown.
- Discover Montana’s Ecosystems FWP’s new “Discover Montana Ecosystems” website is designed to provide educators and families with new, interactive, and entertaining learning opportunities aimed at increasing their youngsters’ awareness and understanding of flora, fauna, and nature.
- Earth Observatory – Berkeley Pit: Butte, Montana A photograph of the Berkeley Pit and the surrounding area taken from space, accompanied by some basic information about the history of the area and current restoration activities.
- EPA Anaconda Co. Smelter Superfund Information Technical information from the Environmental Protection Agency about Superfund activities in and around Anaconda, Montana.
- EPA Butte & Silver Bow Creek Superfund Information Technical information from the Environmental Protection Agency about Superfund activities in and around Butte, Montana.
- EPA Clark Fork Basin Superfund Information Technical information from the Environmental Protection Agency about Superfund activities in and around the Clark Fork Basin.
- EPA Milltown Superfund Information Technical information from the Environmental Protection Agency about Superfund activities in and around Missoula, Montana.
- EPA Water Information The Office of Water (OW) is responsible for implementing the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act, and similar legislation. Activities are targeted to prevent pollution wherever possible and to reduce risk for people and ecosystems in the most cost
- EPA’s STOrage and RETrieval System (STORET) The U.S. EPA maintains two data management systems containing water quality information for the nation’s waters: the Legacy Data Center (LDC), and STORET.
- Izaak Walton League of America The Izaak Walton League was formed in 1922 to save outdoor America for future generations. The League’s founders, who were avid anglers, chose to name the organization after Izaak Walton, the 17th century author of The Compleat Angler, one of the most fam
- Lolo Watershed Group The Lolo Watershed Group is a nonprofit membership organization in Lolo, Montana. Their mission is to understand and conserve the unique characteristics of the Lolo Creek watershed.
- Milltown Dam Restoration Program Comprehensive info on the restoration plan for the former Milltown Dam site.
- Montana Audubon Montana Audubon promotes appreciation, knowledge and conservation of native birds, other wildlife, and their habitats.
- Montana Bureau of Mines & Geology The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology is the principal source of earth science information for the citizens of Montana. Since 1919, it has been mandated to conduct research and assist in the orderly development of the state’s mineral and water resources
- Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) The DEQ’s mission is to protect, sustain, and improve a clean and healthful environment to benefit present and future generations.
- Montana Department of Natural Resources & Conservation (DNRC) The DNRC promotes stewardship of Montana’s water, soil, forest, and rangeland resources; regulates forest practices and oil and gas exploration and production, and administers several grant and loan programs.
- Montana DEQ Clark Fork Basin Superfund Information DEQ is highly involved in the Clark Fork Basin. This page lists DEQ activities related to the mainstem river.
- Montana DEQ Silver Bow Creek Superfund Information DEQ is highly involved in the Clark Fork Basin. This page lists DEQ activities related to the restoration of Silver Bow Creek.
- Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, through its employees and citizen commission, provides for the stewardship of the fish, wildlife, parks and recreational resources of Montana, while contributing to the quality of life for present and future generations
- Montana Native Fish Education Project A program that assists in protection and restoration of Montana’s native coldwater trout, with emphasis on the threatened bull trout and the increasingly rare cutthroat trout.
- Montana Natural Heritage Program The state’s source for reliable, objective information and expertise to support stewardship of our native species and habitats, emphasizing those of conservation concern.
- Montana Natural History Center The mission of the Montana Natural History Center is to promote and cultivate the appreciation, understanding and stewardship of nature through education.
- Montana Natural Resource Damage Program (NRDP) The NRDP was created in 1990 to prepare the state’s lawsuit against the Atlantic Richfield Co. (ARCO) for injuries to the natural resources in the Upper Clark Fork River Basin (UCFRB).
- Montana Plant & Animal Field Guide These guides and this website are a collaborative effort between the Montana Natural Heritage Program and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.
- Montana Trout Unlimited Montana Trout Unlimited’s mission is to conserve, protect, and restore Montana’s world-class coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.
- Montana Water Center Established in 1964 by an act of Congress, the Montana Water Center advances water research, information, education, and problem-solving partnerships throughout the state of Montana and beyond. It is one of 54 Centers in the nation collectively known as t
- Montana Watercourse A statewide water education program that supports water resource decision making and stewardship by providing unbiased information, resources, tools and education to all water users, housed on the MSU Campus in Bozeman, Montana.
- Montana Watershed Coordination Council (MWCC) The MWCC serves as a statewide coordination network for Montana’s natural resource agencies and private organizations and a forum for local watershed groups to help enhance, conserve, and protect natural resources and sustain the high quality of life in M
- Montana Wildlife Federation Montana Wildlife Federation is an organization of conservation minded people who share a mission to protect and enhance Montana’s public wildlife, lands, waters, and fair chase hunting and fishing heritage.
- Opportunity Citizens Protection Association A group working to promote the community, health, and environmental welfare of Opportunity, Montana, which is located near the Superfund waste repository site for the Upper Clark Fork Basin (formerly known as the Opportunity Ponds).
- PitWatch The Web version of PitWatch, an informational newspaper about Butte’s Berkeley Pit published by the Berkeley Pit Public Education Committee, with the purpose of educating Butte residents and students about the Berkeley Pit.
- Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation The mission of the Elk Foundation is to ensure the future of elk, other wildlife and their habitat.
- Science in Your Watershed (USGS) Numerous resource links relating to general watershed science.
- Science, Society & Superfund: A Social History of America’s Largest Superfund Site This website from Montana Tech Professor of Science & Technology Studies Pat Munday offers analysis and archival materials about the Upper Clark Fork Basin Superfund complex.
- Source Water Collaborative A web forum about where America’s safe drinking water begins – the lakes, streams, rivers and aquifers we tap for public water systems.
- The University of Montana Bird Ecology Lab The Bird Ecology Lab contributes to knowledge of avian ecology through a combination of original research, long-term and ecological effects monitoring, education, and community engagement.
- US Forest Service Established in 1905, the Forest Service is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Forest Service manages public lands in national forests and grasslands.
- USGS Realtime Streamflow Data for Montana Up-to-date information on flows for all Montana rivers. An invaluable resource for those interested in fishing, floating, or recreating on the river.
- USGS Water Resources of Montana The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) Montana Water Science Center investigates the occurrence, quantity, quality, and movement of surface water and ground water in Montana and adjacent areas. The Center also serves as a point of contact and liaison for all
- Virtual Historic Butte A comprehensive collection of online information about historic Butte, Montana, focusing on historic buildings. The site is a work-in-progress, with regular updates adding new information.
- Watershed Central & Wiki An online resource from EPA designed to provide state, local, and voluntary watershed management entities with a variety of tools and information that will aide in successful watershed management, including the new Watershed Central Wiki.
- WaterSmart Montana WaterSmart Montana is an educational partnership of six western Montana counties, aimed at highlighting the important role riparian areas play in Montana ecosystems.