SouthwestMontanaFlyFishingCamp Application2014
Category: Environmental News
This Category is for posts about environmental news.
The CFWEP.Org Misson Statement
The Berkeley Pit water level was surveyed by Common Sense Engineering and Surveying on April 1, 2015 and was at an elevation of 5,322.82 feet.
The Berkeley Pit water level was surveyed by Common Sense Engineering and Surveying on May4, 2015 and was at an elevation of 5,323.33 feet.
Skyline Park
Skyline_history Skyline Park Last year work began on a children’s fishing pond and walking trail system in the area behind Hillcrest School. The Council of Commissioners has officially …
An Interview with Frank Gardner Former President of Montana Resources and General Manager of the Berkeley Pit.
Interview with Frank Gardner by Rayelynn Connole The “Voices of the Watershed Series” features interviews and perspectives of various community leaders, citizens, technical advisors, and scientists who are willing …
Don David, former resident of buried McQueen, Montana
We visited with Don David, former resident of McQueen, who was gracious enough to share some of his thoughts on growing up in McQueen and his life. By …
The Native Plant Diversity Project
L to R Patrick White, Tedd Darnell, Callie Boyle, Krtiss Douglas By Kriss Douglass We can barely remember the jagged edges, the precipitous slopes of old …
Cfwep.Org is proud to partner with the Avian Science Center at the University of Montana
Cfwep.Org is proud to partner with the Avian Science Center at the University of Montana. Through this partnership, Cfwep.Org and the Avian Science Center have reached …
A New Legacy for the Clark Fork River
Photo Chad Okrusch By: Brian Bartowiak, Jeni Garcin, and Katie Garcin, Department of Environmental Quality Montana’s mining history helped shape the state’s economy, history and landscape. Unfortunately, past …
The New Montana Steward Spring/Summer 2014 Issue is here!
Montana Standard Spring/Summer 2014